Sunday, April 1, 2012

Jangan jatuh cinta

Tuhanku, berikanku cinta
yang Kau titipkan,
bukan cinta yang ku tanam
pada seseorang :)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Alhamdulillah hari ini berjln dengan baik,
Lab GE selesai awal, hopefully result nti ok2 ja
Blek umah dijamu dgn bihun sup yg mmg dah lma teringin nk mkn *thx Sofiahhh!! hugs n kisses dari tepi :p*
Tetba dpt panggilan telefon dri Travel agent. This means, I can officially counting days to go home. YEAYYYY *lompat2 dlm diam* Makkkkk!!! I'm coming homeeee!!! XD

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Who I am?

You're a Seeker. You have a bright spirit and warm energy. Chatty and friendly, you feel most relaxed when you're hanging out with your best friends.A sensitive soul with an expressive nature, you tend to be quite a romantic at heart. Sometimes you love nothing more than escaping into your very own dreamworld. Spontaneous new experiences can be really inspiring to you and you like exploring your creative side from time to time.Right now, you may feel like life's a bit boring. You're stuck in the same old routine and could probably do with bit of a change.Your sensitive nature means you value having deep connections with a few good friends. It's vital that you make the time to connect with the people who understand you.It's important to remember to tap into your inner strength and to believe in yourself. Take on new challenges and stay stimulated so you remain enthusiastic and inspired by life. As a Seeker, you get excited by new ideas. You like adventure and original experiences that stimulate and challenge your status quo. Stay inspired with a rich mix of activities, and find time for hobbies that allow you to explore your creative side. Learn to recognize when you need variety in your life, and then incorporate it into your daily plans.You have a strong self-awareness and value quiet time away from the hectic pace of life. Even if you have a busy schedule, make sure you have the confidence to carve out that space for yourself . It'll definitely pay off in the long run. 

When it comes to love, you're quite traditional. You believe in making strong commitments. "Forever" isn't a scary word to you!As a Warm Heart, you're very down-to-earth when it comes to love. It is often the simplest pleasures that bring the greatest joy. Your partner is probably one of your best friends in the world, and you have a love that feels safe and secure. It's all about strong foundations based on trust and understanding. You are a deeply loyal person, and you expect the same from your partner. A true relationship is about committing to share your life and leaning on each other in good times and bad.

Relationship tips:
So you're a Rock Steady but what tips can we give for keeping the magic alive in your relationship?
  1. Rekindle the romance. Get up with the lark and meet at a local market to buy beautiful flowers and feast on a yummy breakfast
  2. Do something different. Take a cocktail-making class together at a local bar. It'll be lots of fun with plenty of tasting to be done!
  3. Take it easy. Imagine you're on holiday in your own city. Do the fun things tourists would do and capture it all on film with a disposable camera.
  4. Let your inhibitions go. If it rains, grab the chance to run wild in the puddles and have lots of fun getting soaked to the skin and then warming up afterwards!
You like to be able to treat yourself every now and then. You have a passion for fashion, so you would love to be able to indulge in a shopping trip whenever the mood strikes!You have a very healthy approach to life. You know that true happiness doesn't come from material things or possessions. It goes much deeper than that and is all about valuing those things you can't put a price on. You like to care for those around you, and if they're happy, you're happy. You appreciate that both highs and lows make up the balance of life and you always try and stay spiritually strong and focused 

Your mornings are about taking quiet time to focus on the day ahead, gathering your thoughts and making sure you feel centered and balanced before you head into the world.Woulda-coulda-shoulda just isn't in your vocabulary. You've learned that if you want to feel great, you need to take the positivesteps yourself. It's all about valuing yourself enough to take the time to what's best for you and your body. You like exploring alternative therapies and the holistic side of things. The key is to keep your energy balanced - no sugar highs or caffeine crashes. It's all about having a twinkle in your eye and embracing every minute of the day. 

You like things simple and straightforward, and food is no exception. Rather than fiddle around with various recipes and spices, you're more likely to head for the grill. Smiple, honest food... plus, it combines meat, vegetables and a bit of starch - clearly a balanced diet! 

If you were given the opportunity to live your dream life, chances are you'd feel more at home settled in a cute country cottage than living it up in a mansion. Your low-key attitude means you'd prefer to get away from the stresses of city life and take it easy, perhaps spending your time in a colorful garden. Fresh air, birds chirping and home-grown veggies for dinner...what's not to like? 

You're an outdoorsy person, happiest when you can get out into the fresh air and explore what the countryside has to offer. You can't beat a few quiet hours in the peace of nature to be alone with your thoughts. Perfect for feeling refreshed and rejuvenated! 

You like to take things easy. Life's busy enough without having to worry about getting dressed up every day. It's about maximum comfort with a splash of style, so it's hard to beat your favorite pair of jeans. But don't forget how good it can feel to give yourself a makeover every now and then. It can work wonders for your self-esteem to refresh your wardrobe, spruce up your hair and put on a great dress. So make sure you schedule a shopping trip and pampering session every few months. You deserve it! 

You're open-minded and a positive thinker, so when you get the chance to go traveling, you love to head somewhere exotic and off the beaten track. For you, escapism is the ultimate in relaxation. It's the perfect antidote to the stress of everyday life. You love the feel of the sun and sea on your skin, so your perfect vacation would definitely include a beach. Even better if it's secluded and undiscovered by hordes of tourists! 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

letting go something that you love is not easy, 
but hanging on to something that you know you can't have, is even harder

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Yeayyyy!!! officially bley start counting days nk blek.. XD

Monday, January 2, 2012

Satu perubahan

Sekali lagi air mata menitis, saat mendengar hela nafas sang ibu menahan tangis tatkala bercerita tentang anak bongsunya. Anak bongsu, juga merupakan adikku yang kini berusia 18 tahun. Sudah cukup besar aku kira, sudah pandai menilai segala perkara. Kalau dulu, dialah yang paling tak mendengar kata, paling sukar utk dibawa bicara, paling banyak kerenahnya, paling banyak ragamnya. Apa yang dikatakannya dulu semuanya harus diterima. Dialah saja yg betul dan semua orang lain salah. Tpi syukur Ya Allah, Kau bukakan hati dirinya, Kau lembutkan hatinya utk berubah. Entah bila mulanya, tak mampu utkku meneka. Hanya dia yang mengetahui. Atas alasan ap, atas sebab apa, sungguh aku xmemahami. Sedikit drastik perubahan itu, tapi aku tetap bersyukur kerana dia telah berubah. Berubah menjadi anak yg lebih solehah. Tudung yang dlu entah ke mana dilempar, kini lekat di kepala, tudung yang dlu entah berapa panjangnya, kini telah ditambah panjangnya, kaki yang dlu tidak berbaju, kini disarung cantik tertutup, baju yang dlu singkat bertingkat, kini lebih labuh, solat yang dlu dilewat2kan, kini diawalkan, malah solat-solat sunat kau tambahkn bersama, adab yang dlu kau endahkan, kini kau amat pentingkan. Setiap perilaku, setiap perkataan yang kau tuturkan, semuanya ternyata berubah. Ya, kau memang telah berubah. Sungguh aku terkedu malu mendengar perubahanmu T_T

Kata mak, bila ditanya mengapa, jawapannya
"Adik da 18 tahun, adik da banyak berdosa"
Ya Allah, tergamam diri. Seorang adik yang sentiasa aku anggap masih kecil, masih hingusan, mampu berfikir sebegitu. Sedangkan aku? Terduduk.......Mungkin juga berkat doa ibuku yang sentiasa mengharap dirinya berubah suatu hari nti dan hari ini, ternyata dia telah berubah.

Kata mak, abang xsuka melihat dirinya berubah. Katanya, terlalu drastik. Terlucut di bibirnya, "takut adik mati" Ya Allah abg, jgn ucapkn begitu. bersyukurlah adikmu kini telah berubah. Berubah menjadi anak yang lebih solehah. Malu, sungguh aku malu. Saat usia menganjak tua, aku tetap aku. Masih seperti dlu. Tidak, aku juga akan berubah. Terima kasih adik, kerana mengingatknku kembali asal-usulku, adab-adabku. Terima kasih. Semoga perubahan itu akan terus kekal dan semoga aku mampu menjadi seperti dirinya yang mampu berubah menjadi anak yang lebih solehah, insyaAllah :)

p/s: entah macam mana, terkarang jdi bahasa sastera -_-''